What if I received a Gift?Updated a year ago
You'll be able to exchange your gift at our Returns Portal and click on Returning or exchanging a gift?
If you have the order number (in the enclosed packaging) and delivery address zip code, you can process the return or exchange in the following window:
The gift giver does not receive any notifications around this process whatsoever. The gift giver will only know about the exchange if the gift receiver volunteers to tell them.
If you do not have the order info, please click on the Don't have your order information? link and you will be taken to the following window:
You will then follow the normal returns process, which can be found here: How do I return a product I bought on graflantz.com?
We can only process gift returns for items that were bought at graflantz.com. If the gift was purchased from one of our retail customers, you will have to return the item to them if it is within their policy to do so.